Saplings bent in an oval and laced with strips of leather might get you where you need to go in the snow. But we’re betting these will do a far better job. Modern, compact, lightweight, and made from some seriously effective materials, these snowshoes from Fimbulvetr (a company out of Norway, where snow is pretty well known) are winning awards and delivering high-tech deep snow footwear. They’re made from a thermoplastic elastomer from Dupont, usually used in car engines and shock absorbers and meant to last a lifetime.
The ergonomic, all direction hinge makes sure you get support on all sides as you move while the duel crampons dig down into snow and ice with a deep bite. The asymmetric design and flexibility makes the Hikr feel natural on your feet while the bindings work with any traditional hiking shoes. Go to where the snow is and move through it like an arctic fox. Only better. – $245
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