You found a sweet apartment on Craigslist and it hits all your must-haves — except no fireplace. Drat. Well, drat no more as you now have access to a portable, go-anywhere fireplace for instant ambiance. Made from thick concrete and running off of clean-burning, readily available rubbing alcohol (yup, the same stuff you get at CVS to clean your cuts) the FLÎKR Fireplace will happily sit on your table and entertain you with its dancing flames.
At just under five inches tall, it’s more of a candle on steroids than a full-on fire pit, but it’s big enough to roast a marshmallow for indoor s’mores and a fill-up of alcohol will run for over 45 minutes. Thanks to the high-temp, non-absorbent cement and quartz-like base, you can set it on just about any hard surface (like maybe not your encaustic side table) and it looks like a cool stone sculpture. With this, anyone can have a fireplace.
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