Forj Tear-Proof Thermoplastic Utility Tape

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Whether you live the high-octane existence of an adrenaline junkie or you’re simply the resident fix-it person in your household, you’ve no doubt found yourself scratching your head over how to patch up a broken fishing pole, curtain rod, or even a hammer handle.  Have you snapped off the front of a shelf in your refrigerator door?  Have you rendered a ski pole useless by taking a tumble down the slopes?

Forj has the fix for nearly any snafu with Tear-Proof Thermoplastic Utility Tape, featuring a tensile strength of over half a ton per ribbon.  Just place the tape, heat to 140 degrees (F), mold it into the desired shape, and let it cool to bond, creating a lightweight Band-Aid with the strength of a steel clamp. – Shop Now

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