Organization is a beautiful thing, and few products make getting your stuff in order as beautiful as those from Mission Workshop. The San Francisco-based bag and apparel company makes weatherproof messenger bags, packs, and duffles in small batches in the USA. They’re guaranteed for life and the amount of detailed thought that goes into a pack always manages to impress. The Arkiv Tech Case is a companion piece to many of their bags, including the Khyte messenger bag, the Radian Travel Pack, and the Arkiv Field Packs.
Pen slots and a key clip hold those particular items while the bandolier straps hang on to cords, chargers and tools. The case’s zippered interior mesh pocket is great for the awkwardly shaped items that don’t find a home in any of the above accommodations, and the interior sleeve is large enough for an iPad Mini. Outside, a zippered pocket works for quick-grab items and the Arkiv slots and clips attach the Tech Case to compatible bags, adding another layer of good-looking organization to already great-looking bags.
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