Whether it’s shaped like a football or a fishing bobber, the novelty beer koozie is a fun and practical bro gift. New Balance and Miller Lite fully win at this concept with their beer Shoezie. It doesn’t just resemble a New Balance sneaker — it’s built like a literal shoe. And your father will love it.
The Shoezie is a New Balance 624 Trainer, built with breathable leather and a rubber sole. However, it’s fitted to hold and support your beer, all the while keeping it cool.
Miller Lite and New Balance designed the Shoezie to celebrate dads and their love for beer. Instead of models advertising it, actual fathers were selected and put in relatable situations your old man could find himself in on any given day. It’s like an ad campaign meets real-time testing.
Regardless, the Shoezie is a cool and useful accessory for anyone. After all, New Balance is known for their popularity among supermodels in London and dads in Ohio.
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