Pictured Above: Patagonia Nano Puff Hoody
Up until the 1960s, your choices for insulation in outdoor gear were limited to natural fibers—namely wool and down. But with innovations in plastic technologies came a whole new wave of synthetic insulation styles, aiming at first to be cheaper and more durable than natural fibers.
Now more than 50 years after the invention of synthetic insulation, these fibers power the warmth-giving properties of the majority of the world’s outdoor gear. But among dedicated outdoor enthusiasts, PrimaLoft reigns supreme.
We’ve heard a lot of people asking about this high-tech brand of insulation lately, so we thought we’d combine our materials technology expertise and backwoods camping experience to give you a quick look at what makes PrimaLoft so special.
What is PrimaLoft?
Originally created in the 1980s, PrimaLoft is a brand of synthetic insulation materials designed to provide warmth and comfort in cold and wet weather conditions. It was the first material of its kind to really nail the holy grail of outdoor gear qualities: lightweight, breathable, compressible, and water-resistant, and quite durable to boot.
But what exactly is PrimaLoft made of? Though their exact specifications are a trade secret, all of PrimaLofts products are made of some combination of polyester, wool, and/or new sources of biological materials (as seen in their PrimaLoft Bio line).
Types of PrimaLoft
As the years have gone by, PrimaLoft has greatly expanded their range of fibers to include options suitable for any and every outdoor activity. These include:
- The PrimaLoft Classics—Gold, Silver, and Black—each with a different temperature rating that makes them competitive with down fill.
- PrimaLoft Active, a breathable and stretchy insulator that focuses on moisture management.
- PrimaLoft ThermoPlume, a vegan-friendly down alternative made from 100 percent recycled content.
- PrimaLoft for Footwear, made for repeated wear and extreme conditions.
- Aerogel, originally developed by NASA and the lightest solid known to man, creates an impermeable barrier that locks out the cold.
- PrimaLoft P.U.R.E., which is Produced Using Reduced Emissions and is better for the environment.
- PrimaLoft Bio, a proprietary material made entirely without the use of plastics.
So no matter your outdoor needs or lifestyle choices, there’s a PrimaLoft product that’s made for you.
Some of Our Favorite PrimaLoft Infused Products
Patagonia Nano Puff Insulated Hoodie
The Nano Puff is a classic piece of backcountry gear that puts PrimaLoft’s Gold insulation to perfect use. It’s exceptionally warm and extremely packable, and wrapped up in a polyester ripstop shell for extra durability.
Danner Cloud Cap Boots
A generous 400 grams of PrimaLoft Gold insulation goes a long way towards making Danner’s Cloud Cap Boots the perfect winter footwear. They’re sealed with a waterproof barrier too, but still allow moisture to wick off of your feet while you’re out hiking long miles on the trails.
L.L. Bean Ultraplush Primaloft Blanket
Lightweight but ultra cozy, L.L. Bean’s Ultraplush Primaloft Blanket is the perfect home-to-camp sleep accessory. It’ll keep you warm without feeling too heavy or stifling.
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