Although your everyday carry setup will change over time, two things you’ll probably always have on you are your wallet and a set of car keys. Vvego International has redefined the way to carry these necessities with the Warlock Carbon Fiber Money Clip & Key Fob System ($119). In proper Vvego fashion, the Warlock boasts a completely original, completely awesome design. It features a carbon fiber money clip mated to a handsome leather sleeve via a custom magnetic snap. Watch the video below to learn more about how it works.
**Courtesy of Vvego, we’re giving away three of the Warlock Money Clip & Key Fob Systems, one each to three lucky readers anywhere in the world. Simply follow Vvego on Facebook via the widget below the video. Open Worldwide to participants 18 years and older. Giveaway ends 8/15/2014 at 9AM EST. Winners must respond to email within 7 days to claim prize.**
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