GoSun Chillest Solar Cooler
Makers of solar-powered outdoor gear like water purifiers, ovens, lights, and coolers, GoSun Inc is updating your weekends with modern tech. The Chillest Solar Cooler ditches the ice-cooled version of a cooler and gives you a portable, self-sufficient mini fridge/freezer instead.
Drawing a scant 45 watts of power, the DC compressor delivers enough chilling power to operate both a fridge compartment and a freezer compartment, both with adjustable temps. The internal battery will keep everything chilled for ten hours, an external power bank adds an additional thirty hours, and the attachable solar table keeps the batteries juiced for as long as the sun is in the sky. You can also plug it into your car, or even straight into the power grid with a standard plug.
The Chillest is fully funded on Indiegogo a thousand times over and the estimated ship date is July of 2021. That’s just in time for hot summer activities during which you’d like to enjoy a winter-cold beer with zero bags of ice required.
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