The Great Gatsby Leather Bound Edition
There’s a heartbreaking note Fitzgerald sent to his editor about six months before he died. In it, he was spitballing ways to get more people reading (and buying) The Great Gatsby. He suggested perhaps adding a new preface, selling it for 25 cents, maybe that could help. The novel only sold seven copies that year and he really didn’t want to see the thing just die.
Might be hard to believe the book was ever not everywhere (especially if it was shoved down your throat in high school) but it didn’t reach major popularity until the ‘50s. Read it now (when you’re not cramming for a test) and you’ll see what everyone means when they call it a masterpiece. It’s a deep and vivid character study about a man driven to obscene amounts of wealth, all for a crush. It’s 96 years old but still feels relevant and crisp. And the writing is so good, you wonder why every other author didn’t just give up the art of fiction after reading it.
The Great Gatsby entered the public domain January 1, 2021 and this minimalist, leather-bound, hand-finished edition is a worthy vehicle for one of the most important—and one of the best—American novels ever written.
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