Halo Carabiner
A carabiner is considered by many to be an EDC essential thanks to it’s ability to hold together your keys and keychain multi-tools for easier access and a less cluttered appearance. But the Halo Carabiner does much more than just hold your keys.
Available in your choice of lightweight titanium, stainless steel, zirconium, bronze, or copper, the Halo Carabiner offers a handful of built-in functions including a hollow milled pry bar that pulls overtime as a chisel, scraper, tape cutter, and box opener, a key ring slot that can also accommodate a lanyard or a length of paracord, an ambidextrous titanium gate, a 1/4-inch hex driver, a bottle opener, and plenty of jimping throughout the design for a better grip and better control while utilizing it’s various functions. Preorder yours now at Ti2 Designs. – $80+
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