Anyone can put coffee in beer. And everyone knows there’s a bit more to it than brewing a pot of Folgers and pouring it in your Bud — yet that’s what some coffee beers taste like. One brewery goes so far as to roast their own beans and specially select malts just right for a coffee brew. Modern Times Beer is that brewery and their Black House is the coffee beer you need to try.
It’s a 5.8% ABV oatmeal coffee stout with a malt profile that includes Kiln Coffee malt, Biscuit malt and Pale Chocolate malt, paired with Ethiopian and Sumatra coffee (roasted in-house) for a beer that tastes like a chocolate covered espresso bean, but beer-like.
Currently only available in California (from their home base in San Diego up through San Francisco), their beers may be a good enough reason for a visit to the bottom half of the Golden State. Learn more at Modern Times Beer.
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